September 2024
The 2022 Agility Award from the Irish Arts Council was a major catalyst for development of the next phase on my conducting journey. As part of the award, I investigated different conducting teaching approaches and developed two workshop formats: The Sandbox Sessions, working with Athenry Music School and the Belfast Conducting Workshop, working with Jonathan Mann and the Cardiff International Academy of Conducting.
Browse the documents below to find out more.
I also had the opportunity to work with conductor Alice Farnham for whose gentle and insightful in our mentoring sessions I shall forever be grateful.
Browse the documents to find out more
Belfast Conducting Workshop
This three day workshop in Belfast in August 2024 attracted 7 advanced conductors from the UK and Ireland. Teachers were Jonathan Mann from the Cardiff International Academy of Conducting and Sinead Hayes. Over three days participants worked with Hard Rain SoloistEnsemble on music by Debussy, Beethoven, Jane O'Leary and Simon Mawhinney.
Conducting Teaching Resources
During the course of the Agility Award, I read a number of texts on conducting pedagogy and conducting, as well as watching videos and listening to podcasts! I also had some interesting conversations with conducting teachers and conductor colleagues. The link below is to a Google doc which is being constantly updated with resources as I come across them. Feel free to browse and get in touch for a chat about any of the items!